FELONY COMPLAINT FOR ARREST WARRANT Case No. BA097211 issued Friday, June 17 The undersigned is informed and believes that: COUNT ONE On or about June 12, 1994, in the county of Los Angeles, the crime of murder, in violation of Penal Code Section 187 (a), a felony, was committed by Orenthal James Simpson, who did willfully, unlawfully, and with malice aforethought murder Nicole Brown Simpson, a human being. Notice: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7 (c) (1). It is further alleged that in the commission and attempted commission of the above offense, the said defendant(s), Orenthal James Simpson, personally used a deadly and dangerous weapon(s), to wit, knife, said use not being an element of the above offense, within the meaning of Penal Code Section 12022 (b) and also causing the above offense to be a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7 (c) (23). COUNT TWO On or about June 12, 1994, in the county of Los Angeles, the crime of murder, in violation of Penal Code Section 187 (a), a felony, was committed by Orenthal James Simpson, who did willfully, unlawfully, and with malice aforethought murder Ronald Lyle Goldman, a human being. Notice: The above offense is a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7 (c) (1). It is further alleged that in the commission and attempted commission of the above offense, the said defendant(s), Orenthal James Simpson, personally used a deadly and dangerous weapon(s), to wit, knife, said use not being an element of the above offense, within the meaning of Penal Code Section 12022 (b) and also causing the above offense to be a serious felony within the meaning of Penal Code Section 1192.7 (c) (23). It is further alleged as to Counts 1 and 2 the defendant has in this proceeding been convicted of more than one offense of murder in the first or second degree within the meaning of Penal Code Section 190.2 (a) (3). Further, attached hereto and incorporated herein are official reports and documents of a law enforcement agency which the undersigned believes establishes probable cause for the arrest of defendant(s), Orenthal James Simpson, for the above listed crimes. Wherefore, a warrant of arrest is requested for Orenthal James Simpson. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this complaint, Case Number BA097211, consists of 2 count(s). Executed at Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, on June 17, 1994. Philipp Vanatter (LAPD Robbery-Homocide detective) Declarant and Complainant END